Our friendship coordinator is Cindy Greenfield. If you would like to make a friendship quilt, please contact Cindy: [email protected] or 360-708-5579.
Friendship Blocks
The Friendship Block Exchange Program can be a great way to get to know other members and learn new skills. The program has evolved and been streamlined from past years. All members are welcome to present and create blocks, although participation is optional.
You may make as many or as few blocks as you wish. Presenters receiving blocks may use them however they wish, donation quilts or personal quilts. The only limitations to presenters are the time constraints of our meetings.
The program process is as follows:
-The presenter determines what block they want others help in making
-Contact the program chair to discuss when they can present and request their blocks.
-Create a sample block and directions for creating the block with your contact information. If needed by a date/deadline to complete your project include it in your directions.
-Present to members at the determined meeting date.
-Pick up your blocks at meetings or make arrangements with the program chairperson
The chairperson information can be found on the Officer and Board roster. They are also a great resource for any questions, thoughts, or ideas about your block and how to do your presentation. They may also be able to stand in for you to present your block request.
The Friendship Block Exchange Program can be a great way to get to know other members and learn new skills. The program has evolved and been streamlined from past years. All members are welcome to present and create blocks, although participation is optional.
You may make as many or as few blocks as you wish. Presenters receiving blocks may use them however they wish, donation quilts or personal quilts. The only limitations to presenters are the time constraints of our meetings.
The program process is as follows:
-The presenter determines what block they want others help in making
-Contact the program chair to discuss when they can present and request their blocks.
-Create a sample block and directions for creating the block with your contact information. If needed by a date/deadline to complete your project include it in your directions.
-Present to members at the determined meeting date.
-Pick up your blocks at meetings or make arrangements with the program chairperson
The chairperson information can be found on the Officer and Board roster. They are also a great resource for any questions, thoughts, or ideas about your block and how to do your presentation. They may also be able to stand in for you to present your block request.