We would like to thank the following sponsors for their support of FIQ. If you would like to become a sponsor, please contact us .
August Block of the month
Navigating the website-Each of the titles above-home, about, calendar, etc- are pages full of information, just click on the word or the categories underneath. To enter the Members pages, use the password on the front of your membership card or contact, Diane [email protected]. If you do not see the titles above, look to the top left of your screen for the 3 dashes, on your system, this is where you will find the tabs.
Meetings Meetings are held in the Westminster Presbyterian Church basement, Anacortes, 1300 9th Street at 1 p.m. unless otherwise noted on the first Monday of the month. We have a handwork social at 10:30. Enter from the side door on M street. If you need the elevator it can be accessed from the parking area between the church and the museum on the side. Use the doorbell to get our attention if the door is not open.
FIQ Membership All members will be asked to fill out a new membership form so we have your current information. Membership forms are not valid until approved by the FIQ Board. If you are over 80 membership is free, a membership form still needs to be filled out . Once approved by the board, you will receive your membership card in the mail or at the next meeting.
Please print out both membership forms: Membership form copy Please read the FIQ Bylaws: Bylaws copy Please read the FIQ Standing Rules: Standing rules copy Please do not share the FIQ password with anyone who is not on the currant FIQ Roster. Thank you. Important Dates:
September 3rd Meeting-Date changed-10:30 Handwork Social-1:00 General meeting- Birthday treats-If September is your birthday month, (We would like you to be the hostesses-please bring a treat to share at our meeting. We also ask that you clean up after. We heard many say how nice it was to share a snack and some community time together. We will continue this each month through the year.-
Fat quarter for the raffle. --Rusty Orange or Dark Pumpkin, Solid or Print-Let’s all play the game and have some fun with digging out a fun contribution! Love you for getting into the mood and playing with us! Block of the month- Friendship block=- Community Quilt to drop off or pick up Don't forget to bring your templates and library books to return. Nametag
September 11th-Diva's-The Diva’s next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11th, 10 am to Noon, at the Anacortes Senior Activity Center. Most of the meeting will be devoted to members showing their solutions to the Summer Challenge - Dressing With Style. As with each meeting there will be a free table and a chance to “show and share” current projects. Guests are always welcome to join us! Joyce Eastwick, [email protected] and Artemis W-right, [email protected]
September 28-29- Saturday & Sunday 12-3 pm, US Pacific Time-Global Quilt Connection: 18 Amazing Teachers! 18 Amazing Demonstrations! Something to please every kind of quilter! The All-Star Sampler Platter is an affordable live virtual program for your guild members. 6 hours (over two days) of 15 minute demonstrations by Global Quilt Connection teachers. September 30th-Community Quilts-As always, Community Quilts Workday on the last Monday morning of the month, with exceptions of holidays. What part of Quilting is your favorite? The great thing about our Community Quilts group is you can do only the things you enjoy doing! From putting kits together, cutting blocks, ironing, binding or piecing or quilting. Projects may be turned in at the FIQ meeting in July and projects will be available to pick up and take home. Keep on sewing! Any questions, contact: Jennie Wallis, [email protected] and Cindy Greenfield
Monday September 30th-Sit and Sew in Sedro-Hosted by Julie Anderson-at the Sedro Woolley library. From 10-6. Bring whatever is needed to work on your project, your lunch and beverage. There is no microwave. There is also a market next door and many eating establishments. Please contact Julie Anderson if you will be attending since there is limited space. 360-540-0321 [email protected]
October 7th Meeting-Heidi Lund ~ Fiber Artist-Bremerton, WA- Heidi works with hand dyed and batik cottons, silks, and lots of thread. She enjoys fabric dying, surface design, and applying yards of threads by free motion on her home sewing machine. Heidi teaches quilting, surface design, fabric collage, fabric dyeing, dimensional stitching, embellishment and beading. She lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her two cocker spaniels and loves gardening and water sports. She is a Loyalist Ambassador for BERNINA USA and a designer for Sulky of America and The Warm Company.
10:30 Handwork Social-1:00 General meeting-3:00 Board meeting (all are welcome) Birthday treats-If September is your birthday month, (We would like you to be the hostesses-please bring a treat to share at our meeting. We also ask that you clean up after. We heard many say how nice it was to share a snack and some community time together. We will continue this each month through the year.
Fat quarter for the raffle. --Let’s all play the game and have some fun with digging out a fun contribution! Love you for getting into the mood and playing with us! Block of the month- Friendship block=- Community Quilt to drop off or pick up Don't forget to bring your templates and library books to return. Nametag
Heide Lund Workshop-
November meeting-Pat Thompson-
FIQ BOARD MEETINGS first Monday of the month at 3 p.m. (after the meeting) Everyone is welcome to attend!